The Italian presentation event of Green Youth Employability: Emerging Skills and Jobs for a Fair and Green Society (GYE) – 2023-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000157988 was held on Feb. 20 at 6 p.m. at Scambieuropei ETS headquarters.

It was a time not only to present, but more importantly to meet to think about the development of future jobs in a sustainable way and the possibility of facilitating an equitable transition for young people.
They talked about the famous green soft skills and how the project will support youth workers to undertake training pathways for young people that meet their needs.

In more detail, the agenda of the event was as follows:

  • Project presentation: objectives, expected results and partners
  • Upcoming planned activities
  • Presentation of results
  • World Café on project topics: sustainability, emerging green jobs, soft skills for the future
  • Questions & Asks
  • How to stay in touch
Promotion event in Italy
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