Green Youth Employability: Emerging Skills and Jobs for a Fair and Green Society involves the development of a survey-based report to understand the needs and interests of different interest groups and sectors in the area of youth sustainability and employability.
The survey is the starting point for structuring a targeted learning pathway on green skills and effectively structuring the planned e-learning modules.

What to expect

The survey has 3 sections:

  • one part on getting to know the user better
  • one part on soft skills
  • a part on employment opportunities in the green field

Who we are looking for

Any interested person in the field may respond to the survey. Specifically we are looking for:

  • young people
  • youth workers
  • staff within public agencies
  • talent scouts and/or people working within human resources
  • experts in environmental sustainability

The result

Following data collection, the consortium will develop a report that will be published and show the results regarding the interests and needs of the respective parties.

Filling in the survey

Simply click HERE (English version).
The compilation takes 15 minutes to complete.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù (AIG). Neither the European Union nor AIG can be held responsible for them. 

Survey: the skills and abilities of emerging green jobs
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